gummy (arknights)
Gummy, Defender Operator of Rhodes Island, will heal her teammates while protecting them
A playable Defender Operator in Arknights.
Real 名称:Lada
Place of Birth: | Ursus |
Birthday: | October 2 |
Race: | Ursus |
Height: | 155 cm |
Combat Experience: | None |
A member of Ursus Student Self-Governing Group along with Zima and Istina. She and her group took refuge at Rhodes Island during the fall of Chernobog at the end of Episode One. A lively, kind, and pure girl. She always speaks from the heart and has a genuine desire to please everyone. In battle, she uses a frying pan as her weapon of choice and a vault door as her shield.
She is one of the protagonists of the side story event Children of Ursus.
Her motif is based on sun bears.
Her voice actors are Takamori Natsumi (Japanese), Liang Ruixue (Chinese), Cristina Vee (English), Kim Chae-ha (Korean), and Varvara Sarantseva (Russian). Her illustrator is Skade.
The following tags implicate this tag: gummy_(elite_ii)_(arknights) and gummy_(summer_flowers)_(arknights) (learn more).
她的配音演员是Takamori Natsumi(日语),Liang Ruixue(中文),Cristina Vee(英语),Kim Chae-Ha(韩国)和Varvara Sarantseva(俄语)。她的插画家是滑雪。