maryland (azur lane)


Her original character design by Rail (Silverbow) (post #2973326) portrays her with long orange hair tied in a ponytail with orange eyes. She is shown wearing a tattered red-white cape, white gloves, a black tube top, black skirt, and black thighhighs.
Her rig consisted of four 406 mm twin mounts, two per side, with the magazines on the inner sides of turrets 2 and 3.

Her revised design by Chuzenji (post #3297427) keeps the basic form and pose of the original design but is starkly darker in color, now sporting red hair and red eyes. Her cape is also changed to black color, while her dress now consists of a single black dress, a white second layer dress up front, a black necktie, black gloves, and black thighhighs.
Her rig now better reflects the real-life form, with her real-life cage mast and CXAM radar holding the two sides of the rig.


In real life, Maryland was moored inboard of Oklahoma at Pearl Harbor on the day of the attack and largely escaped damage while Oklahoma capsized from the bomb and torpedo damage sustained. Several of Oklahoma's sailors assisted Maryland's crew in the attack while Maryland's crew assisted in rescue efforts aboard Oklahoma.

Alongside Pennsylvania, they were the first ones from the attack to reenter active service, sortieing together during the battle of Midway as a standby force.

She participated in shore bombardment duties in the battles of Tarawa and Saipan before seeing action in the battle of Leyte Gulf against Nishimura's fleet. Later on, she sustained kamikaze damage on the same day as Operation Ten-go which put her out of action for the rest of the conflict. She was decommissioned in 1947 and scrapped 12 years later.

Colorado-class battleships


External links

她的原创角色设计由 Rail (Silverbow)(帖子#2973326)绘制,她有一头橙色长发,扎成马尾辫,有橙色的眼睛。她身穿破烂的红白色斗篷、白手套、黑色抹胸、黑色裙子和黑色长筒袜。
她的装备由四个 406 毫米双炮座组成,每侧两个,弹匣位于 2 号和 3 号炮塔的内侧。

她的装备现在更好地反映了现实生活中的形式,现实生活中的笼式桅杆和 CXAM 雷达支撑着装备的两侧。



她参加了塔拉瓦海战和塞班岛海战的海岸轰炸任务,然后参加了莱特湾海战对抗西村舰队的行动。后来,她在十号行动的同一天遭受了神风特攻队的伤害,这使得她在余下的冲突中无法参与行动。她于 1947 年退役,12 年后报废。
类型 角色
英文名 maryland (azur lane)
日文名 メリーランド
别名 ;メリーランド(アズールレーン);马里兰