takao (azur lane)

The nameship of the Takao-class as represented in Azur Lane. Her censored name is "獒" ("Mastiff").


She wears a white military uniform with a white pleated miniskirt and black pantyhose. She has long black hair worn in a ponytail. Like most of the Sakura Empire ships, she has animal ears. In her case, dog ears folded down to resemble hair flaps (contrast to Atago's erect ears). Because they blend almost perfectly with her hair, they are often omitted by fan artists or transformed into actual hair flaps or hair ears.

She is often paired with her sister ship Atago, and like her sister she has large breasts.

Voiced by Kakuma Ai.


The real-life Takao was the lead ship and name ship of a class of four heavy cruisers designed as an improvement over Myoukou, with the same 20.3 cm twin mounts of an improved turret design in the same layout. Intended to correct seakeeping and firepower issues with the Myoukous, they ended up having the same top-heaviness that resulted in the last two members of the class (Maya and Choukai) built to a slightly modified design.

During the war, Takao saw action in the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia), Aleutians, Guadalcanal, and Solomon Islands campaigns before sustaining damage in an air raid on Rabaul in November 1943. After repairs, she saw further action in the battles of the Philippine Sea and Leyte Gulf, where she was torpedoed and put out of action for the rest of the war. She remained moored alongside Myoukou in Singapore where they were surrendered to the Royal Navy and later sunk as targets.


Takao-Class Heavy Cruisers


External links

The following tags implicate this tag: takao_(beach_rhapsody)_(azur_lane), takao_(divine_exorcist's_blade)_(azur_lane), takao_(full_throttle_charmer)_(azur_lane), takao_(sakura_hanami)_(azur_lane), takao_(school_romanza)_(azur_lane), and takao_(the_lessons_of_spring)_(azur_lane) (learn more).



现实生活中的 Takao 是四艘重型巡洋舰的主舰和命名舰,设计为 Myoukou 的改进,具有相同布局的改进炮塔设计的相同 20.3 厘米双炮座。为了纠正 Myoukous 的适航性和火力问题,它们最终出现了同样的头重脚轻,导致该级的最后两名成员(玛雅和 Choukai)的设计略有修改。

战争期间,高雄号参加了荷属东印度群岛(印度尼西亚)、阿留申群岛、瓜达尔卡纳尔岛和所罗门群岛的战役,随后在 1943 年 11 月对拉包尔的空袭中受损。修复后,她参加了菲律宾群岛的战斗海和莱特湾,她在那里被鱼雷击中,在战争的剩余时间里失去了行动。她仍然停泊在新加坡的 Myoukou 旁边,在那里它们被交给皇家海军,后来作为目标被击沉。

以下标签暗示此标签: takao_(beach_rhapsody)_(azur_lane)、takao_(divine_exorcist's_blade)_(azur_lane)、takao_(full_throttle_charmer)_(azur_lane)、takao_(sakura_hanami)_(azur_lane)、takao_(school_romanza)_ (azur_lane) 和 takao_(the_lessons_of_spring)_(azur_lane)(了解更多)。
类型 角色
英文名 takao (azur lane)
别名 takao;高雄(碧蓝航线);高雄(アズールレーン);高雄;獒