xiangling (genshin impact)
Genshin Impact character.
The Head Chef at the Wanmin Restaurant and also a waitress there, Xiangling is extremely passionate about cooking and excels at her signature hot and spicy dishes. Though still young, Xiangling is a true master of the culinary arts with all the skills of a kitchen veteran. She enjoys a good reputation among the hearty eaters at Chihu Rock.
Her companion panda is Guoba.
Her name is pronounced Shanrin in the Japanese version of the game.
Japanese CV: Ozawa Ari
- 2021 Genshin Concert (No unbanned posts available)
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Wanmin餐厅的主厨和那里的女服务员,对烹饪非常热衷,并且在她的标志性辣辣菜肴中表现出色。尽管还年轻,但西格林还是烹饪艺术的真正大师,拥有厨房老兵的所有技能。她在吉胡洛克(Chihu Rock)的丰盛食客中享有良好的声誉。