
An image that is a cropped portion of a larger picture.

It's not uncommon for artists on Twitter to post both the full-size picture and a crop, in order to play around twitter's cropping mechanism. Sometimes the cropped version is of higher resolution than the equivalent portion of the full picture, in which case it makes sense to upload both images.

It is also possible that the full size image is only available as a paid reward.


艺术家在 Twitter 上同时发布全尺寸图片和裁剪图片的情况并不少见,以便利用 Twitter 的裁剪机制。有时,裁剪后的版本比完整图片的同等部分具有更高的分辨率,在这种情况下,上传两个图像是有意义的。
类型 unknown
英文名 cropped
别名 抠图