higuchi madoka

One of the idols from Idolmaster Shiny Colors, voiced by Tsuchiya Rio.

She is a member of the unit noctchill. She is fairly curt with the Producer, but relaxed around Asakura Toru.

  • Age: 17
  • Birthday: October 27th

She has short brown hair with swept bangs, a hairclip, purple eyes and a mole under her left eye. With her school uniform she wears a black sweater with a black pantyhose, a grey, pleated plaid skirt, as well as purple nail polish.

她是夜总会单位的成员。她和制片人相当cur脚,但在阿萨库拉·托鲁(Asakura Toru)周围放松。

类型 角色
英文名 higuchi madoka
日文名 樋口円香
别名 ;樋口円香;円香;mado;mdk;hgcmdk;とおまど