ibuki suika

The "Little Pandemonium". Final boss of Touhou's Immaterial and Missing Power and later a recurring playable character.

Suika claims to be the only oni living above the ground in Gensokyo - the rest of her kind have lived underground for centuries. She is always found drunken, carrying a bottomless gourd of sake, and is an avid lover of parties. She has the power to control the density of any given object. She is explicitly based on the oni king Shuten-douji.

She is friends with Yakumo Yukari, Hoshiguma Yuugi (both were once part of the "Four Devas of the Mountains") and Hakurei Reimu, whose shrine also serves as her sometimes home. She and Ibaraki Kasen appear to have a slightly strained relationship, given Kasen's breaking rank with the other Gensokyo Sages, but the two remain mostly friendly to each other.


Person: brown horns, very long hair, low-tied long hair, sidelocks, blonde hair, orange hair, yellow eyes, orange eyes, flat chest
Clothing: blouse, white shirt, sleeveless shirt, wrist cuffs, belt, purple skirt, ribbon-trimmed skirt, white legwear, socks, black footwear, shoes
Accessories: purple bow, purple ribbon, horn bow, horn ribbon, red bow, hair bow, footwear bow, chain, cube, orb, pyramid


External links

“小混乱”。东方《无形与缺失的力量》的最终 Boss,后来成为反复出现的可玩角色。



类型 角色
英文名 ibuki suika
日文名 伊吹萃香
别名 ;伊吹萃香;萃香;이부키스이카