kasane teto
A UTAU character with red twin drills.
She is a young girl with red eyes and red twin drills. She typically wears a dark blue/gray outfit with red trim. Her official profile lists her as a "chimera", so she is sometimes given characteristics like a forked tail or wings. Her character item is a baguette.
She was created as an April Fools joke by the VIPPERs of 2ch, meant to trick Nico-Nico Douga users into thinking she was the 3rd Vocaloid from Crypton. After the joke was over, instead of fading into obscurity Teto was picked up by UTAU, a freeware knock-off of VOCALOID. She has maintained a level of popularity, and many have tried to replicate this effect with other joke and fanmade characters since.
After her 15th anniversary on April 2023, she received an updated voicebank under the Synthesizer V engine, which would boost her popularity even further.
Her voice provider is Oyamano Mayo.
Oyamano initially used the name Oyama Nobuyo as a reference to famed singer and voice actress Ooyama Nobuyo. Since the latter is most known as the voice of Doraemon, fans had Teto share similar traits. Teto's catchphrase 君は実に馬鹿だな ("You really are an idiot, aren't you?") also originated from a Doraemon comic.
Do not tag Kasane Teto as a VOCALOID. She is either an UTAU or a SynthV.
Official art
External links
The following tags implicate this tag: assistant_teto, kasane_neko_(haru57928031), kasane_teto_(halloween), kasane_teto_(sv), mekakure_teto_(homma_nuruneko), sakura_teto, and sister_teto (learn more).
她是由2ch的凶手创建为四月的傻瓜笑话的,这是为了欺骗尼科·尼科·道格(Nico-Nico Douga)的用户,以为她是来自加密蛋糕的第三个vocaloid。笑话结束后,由vocaloid的免费软件仿制utau捡起了淡淡的teto。她保持了一定的知名度,从那以后,许多人试图用其他笑话和狂热的角色来复制这种效果。
Oyamano最初以Oyama Nobuyo这个名字作为著名歌手和配音女演员Ooyama Nobuyo的参考。由于后者最著名的是Doraemon的声音,因此粉丝具有类似的特征。 Teto的口号君は実に马鹿だな(“您真的是个白痴,不是吗?”)也起源于Doraemon漫画。