kazami yuuka

The "Flower Master of the Four Seasons".

Final Boss of Touhou's Lotus Land Story and later a recurring playable character, as well as the fourth PC-98 generation character after Hakurei Reimu, Kirisame Marisa and Alice Margatroid to reappear in the Windows generation (specifically in Phantasmagoria of Flower View).

A highly dangerous youkai with the power to manipulate flowers, and reputed creator and original wielder of the Master Spark (which Marisa later "borrowed"). Hinted by Hieda no Akyuu to exhibit a rather polite facade, provided she or her flowers are not harmed. Once described by ZUN as "Youkai moe~", possibly meant as a pun given that the literal meaning of moe is "budding" and Yuuka controls flowers. Yuuka's place of residence is unknown in canon, but is generally assumed to be the Garden of the Sun, where she tends a massive field of sunflowers, and it is known she used to occupy the Dream World mansion Mugenkan with her then-retainer Elly. Frequently portrayed in fan works as the Ultimate Sadistic Creature (USC), as a bloodthirsty psychopath, or as tsundere. Usually some combination of the first two (or of all three). Alternately, she is often depicted as lonely due to this reputation or as very friendly to Team 9 and other children.

She has short green hair with medium-length bangs and red eyes, sometimes yellow. Her outfit consists of an open plaid red vest over a long-sleeved collared white shirt tied with a yellow ascot. To complete her skirt set is a matching plaid red skirt with frills or plaid red pants. Her footwear is usually white socks with red mary janes or brown boots. She usually carries her pink parasol.

Fan-made Variations

  • Noukarin (Farmer-Yuukarin): Originally a type of Yukkuri Shiteitte Ne, unusually depicted with a full body instead of just as a head. Now this word means Kazami Yuuka wearing a straw hat. Noukarin is frequently depicted with an acoustic guitar and/or with an almost impenetrable rural accent.
  • Bakerin (Bakery-Yuukarin): A recent variant of Kazami Yuuka who makes bread in her own bakery named "Bakery Kazami". A certain tweet caused this trend.
  • Kazami Youka: a younger and more upbeat version of Yuuka; from yokochou's work.

Related Pools

  • pool #2582: Touhou - Nobody Likes Yuuka
  • pool #2739: Touhou - Changing Seasons; representing summer
  • pool #1053: Touhou - Old Maids Alliance; former member

External links

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The following tags implicate this tag: kazami_yuuka_(pc-98) (learn more).

东方莲花大地物语的最终 Boss,后来成为反复出现的可玩角色,也是继博丽灵梦、雾雨魔理沙和爱丽丝·玛格特洛伊德之后在 Windows 世代中重新出现的第四个 PC-98 世代角色(特别是在花景幻境中)。

高度危险的妖怪,拥有操纵花朵的能力,也是大师火花(魔理沙后来“借用”)的著名创造者和原始持有者。飞田阿久暗示,只要她或她的花不受到伤害,她就应该表现出相当礼貌的外表。曾被 ZUN 形容为“妖怪萌~”,可能是双关语,因为萌的字面意思是“发芽”,而 Yuuka 控制着花朵。优香的居住地在经典中不为人所知,但一般认为是太阳花园,她在那里照料着一大片向日葵田,而且众所周知,她曾经和她当时的家臣艾莉一起住在梦境世界的宅邸无限馆。在同人作品中经常被描绘成终极施虐生物(USC)、嗜血的精神病患者或傲慢的人。通常是前两者(或全部三者)的某种组合。或者,由于这个名声,她经常被描述为孤独的人,或者对第 9 队和其他孩子非常友好。

类型 角色
英文名 kazami yuuka
日文名 風見幽香
别名 kazami yuuka;風見幽香;风见幽香;幽香;카자미유카;유카