
A Type-Moon parody manga created by Keikenchi.

It stars Kohaku from Tsukihime and features characters from various Type-Moon series. It is drawn in a chibi style, and it is a self-aware series that constantly breaks the fourth wall.

Carnival Phantasm included segments based on the series, and it was the focus of Type-Moon's 2012 April Fools' Day joke. Several characters from Koha-Ace have been made into Servants in Fate/Grand Order.

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《幻想嘉年华》包含了基于该系列的片段,这也是 Type-Moon 2012 年愚人节笑话的焦点。 《Koha-Ace》中的几个角色已被制作为《Fate/Grand Order》中的从者。
类型 unknown
英文名 koha-ace
别名 コハエース