mika pikazo

Japanese doujinshi author, illustrator, and character designer. Co-founder of The Moon Studio.

VTuber designer of The Moon Studio's Kaguya Luna, Pinky Pop Hepburn, and the scrapped KOTODAMA TRIBE characters, SACRA MUSIC's SACRA-chan, and hololive English's Hakos Baelz.

Designer of Fate/Grand Order's Sei Shounagon.

Cover art illustrator for the Japanese release of Apex Legends: Pathfinder's Quest.

Official artist for Fire Emblem Engage.

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Vtuber Moon Studio的Kaguya Luna,Pinky Pop Hepburn以及废除的Kotodama Tribe角色,Sacra Music的Sacra-chan和Hololive English的Hakos Baelz。
类型 画师&CN
英文名 mika pikazo
别名 ミカピカゾ