mitsumine yuika

A friendly subculture girl from Idolmaster Shiny Colors. She is part of the unit L'Antica.

Official Profile:

A free-spirited and elusive subculture type girl with glasses. She's a beauty who catches on easily and can talk with people she meets for the first time without feeling daunted. First-year in college.

  • Age: 19
  • Height: 158cm
  • Weight: 44kg
  • Place of Origin: Fukushima
  • Three sizes: 73-52-81
  • Birthday: January 16
  • Zodiac: Capricorn
  • Blood type: O

Appearance: black hair, glasses, blue eyes, twintails
Casual attire: baseball cap, jacket, black shirt, miniskirt

Voiced by Kisui Shio, replacing the retired Narumi Runa.


类型 角色
英文名 mitsumine yuika
日文名 三峰結華
别名 ;三峰結華