murasa minamitsu

The "Ghost of the Shipwreck".

Stage 4 boss of Touhou's Undefined Fantastic Object and playable character in Sunken Fossil World.

Captain Murasa is the ghost of a drowned girl who earned notoriety for her ability to capsize ships, until she was adopted by Hijiri Byakuren who appointed her as captain of her ship. After Byakuren was sealed, Murasa and her fellow disciples Toramaru Shou and Kumoi Ichirin moved in to save her using the same ship she entrusted to them. Usually seen holding a hishaku.

She has been memetically referred to as Captain Murasa.

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穆拉萨上尉是一个溺水女孩的幽灵,她因倾销船的能力而臭名昭著,直到她被亨吉里·拜库伦(Hijiri Byakuren)收养,后者任命她为船长。拜库伦(Byakuren)被密封后,穆拉萨(Murasa)和她的门徒托拉玛鲁·舒(Toramaru Shou)和库莫伊·伊希林(Kumoi Ichirin)搬进去,用她托付给他们的同一艘船来拯救她。通常可以看到握着hishaku。
类型 角色
英文名 murasa minamitsu
日文名 村紗水蜜
别名 ;村紗水蜜;村纱水蜜;무라사미나미츠