nanashi inc.

ななしいんく (Nanashi inku) is a virtual YouTuber agency managed by 774inc. (the agency name is in hiragana whereas the company name is in numbers and alphabets). They had created several virtual YouTuber groups each managed by a Xxxxneko Nanashi, but on March 21st, 2023 all of the groups were merged under the hiragana agency name.

Former Groups

Honey Strap
V Ap Art (disbanded on January 7th 2023)
Sugar Lyric
Hiyoku No Crosspiece

Post-Merger Members

External Links

The following tags are aliased to this tag: 774_inc. (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: animare, hiyoku_no_crosspiece, honey_strap, sugar_lyric, and v_ap_art (learn more).

ななしいんく (Nanashi inku) 是由 774inc 管理的虚拟 YouTuber 代理机构。 (机构名称为平假名,公司名称为数字和字母)。他们创建了几个虚拟 YouTuber 群组,每个群组均由 Xxxxneko Nanashi 管理,但在 2023 年 3 月 21 日,所有群组都以平假名机构名称合并。

以下标签暗示此标签:animare、hiyoku_no_crosspiece、honey_strap、sugar_lyric 和 v_ap_art(了解更多)。
类型 unknown
英文名 nanashi inc.
别名 ななしいんく;774inc.;ななしふぇすどぅーいっと