panty pull

Panties pulled down from the natural waist position, but not totally removed.

Note: the panties do not need to be actively mid-removal/have a character grasping them. They just need to be lower than their normal position.

See Also

The following tags are aliased to this tag: panties_down, panties_pull, panty_down, and pantypull (learn more).

This tag implicates panties (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: panties_around_ankles (learn more).


类型 状态&特征
英文名 panty pull
日文名 パンツ下ろし
别名 ;パンツ下ろし;パンツめくり;パンツずらし;下ろしパンツ;パンツ脱ぎ