rumia tingel

Class 2 student at Alzano Imperial Magic Academy in Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Record. She has shoulder length blonde hair tied into a half updo with a green hair bow, and two hairclips on one side.

She was taken in by the Fiber family, and as such is very close to sistine fibel.

Her real name is Ermiana, and she is an estranged princess of the Alzano Empire

Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi的Alzano Imperial Magic Academy的2级学生,凭借Akashic记录。她的肩长金发绑在半张纸上,带有绿色的头发弓,一侧有两个发型。
类型 角色
英文名 rumia tingel
日文名 ルミア=ティンジェル
别名 鲁米亚·汀谢尔;ルミア=ティンジェル;Лмия_Тинжелc