shiba miyuki

The younger sister of Shiba Tatsuya. Miyuki is an outstanding, extremely powerful ice magician - though, by her own admission, she doesn't hold a candle to her brother. She loves Tatsuya unconditionally, sometimes going a bit overboard and overstepping the boundaries of what a "normal" relationship between siblings would be, albeit Tatsuya doesn't seem to mind it too much and will tell her explicitly when to knock it off. She has black hair in a hime cut and a snowflake-themed hair clip, and light blue eyes.

Shiba Tatsuya的妹妹。 Miyuki是一位出色的,非常强大的冰魔术师 - 不过,她自己的承认,她没有给兄弟。她无条件地喜欢Tatsuya,有时会有点过分,并过度缩短了兄弟姐妹之间的“正常”关系的边界,尽管Tatsuya似乎并不介意太多,并且会明确地告诉她什么时候敲门。她的剪裁剪裁和以雪花为主题的发夹和浅蓝色的眼睛有黑色头发。
类型 角色
英文名 shiba miyuki
日文名 司波深雪
别名 ;司波深雪