shirai kuroko

A character from the light novel series Toaru Majutsu No Index and its spin-off manga series Toaru Kagaku No Railgun.

Roommate of Misaka Mikoto and member of "Judgement", Academy City's student-based disciplinary committee. Kuroko is a Level 4 esper with the power to instantly teleport herself or items in her possession. Has an almost obsession-like crush on Mikoto, much to the latter's annoyance.



御坂美琴的室友,学园都市学生纪律委员会“审判”的成员。黑子是一名 4 级能力者,能够立即传送自己或她所拥有的物品。对美琴有着近乎痴迷的迷恋,这让后者很恼火。
类型 角色
英文名 shirai kuroko
日文名 白井黒子
别名 ;白井黒子