shiratori rena

A Virtual YouTuber and "VVoice actor" of Voice-Ore, her emoji is 🏰. She debuted on February 24, 2021 as Voice-Ore production's first generation virtual voice actor, her Live2D was designed by Nabi and her rigging by Takeyanagi.

A 17 year old girl from an influential family, ever since she was young she has lived a carefully sheltered life raised "surrounded by butterflies and flowers". Because of the upbringing by her household she has rarely a chance to meet or interact with others that she could open her heart to, thus has a hard time showing her true feelings but deep down is a very expressive and tsundere young girl. Despite living under strict parents that banned all things anime and game related she still developed a love for them and secretly works toward her dream of becoming a voice actor.

Her appearance is that of a blunt bang silvered prim and proper Ojou-sama with long flowing hair, giving off a very cool and elegant vibe but those that get close to her will see that she can be quite silly at times, especially during her "Rena teatime" when she interact and holds conversation with her chat regarding the weather, her day or how she is still sleepy right after having just gotten out of bed to stream. She wears a multi-layered long sleeve frilly white dress adorned in ribbons and a brooch with a black bow. Her eyes are light blue-ish purple and she sports a slightly stoic yet sleepy look with jeweled earrings hidden behind on her ears.

Rena understands English well enough to read and speak it, as well as understands German that she notes she's been studying. She enjoys fantasy and tea, as well as chocolate and other confectionery. As a "Vseiyuu", whenever she plays a game she would also tend to read out in-game texts in different ranges of voices based on what she think the character sounds like. She is friends with her fellow Voice-Ore members, Himukai Kogane and Aoi Mizuki, who often drop by in her chat and refer to them as Koga-chan and Mizuki-chan.

Her other emoji is also 🕊, a white bird/Dove based on her name "Shiratori (白鳥)" which reads as such respectively (white bird), and her personal greeting to her fans is Guten Rena based on the German phrase of "Good morning/day (Guten Tag/Morgen) and Tschüss ("Good bye/Bye Bye" in German). The official name for her fans is Renavants.


Live2D Debut Date:February 24, 2021
Birthday:March 26
"Guten Rena!
I'm Rena Shiratori, a first year student of V Voice Production VOICE-ORE.
I like Fantasy and Tea. I'm studying German as well as voice acting. I can speak a little bit of English."

External links

*Due to Rena having a tendency to unlist her streams, they do not show up in her official channel's video listing. Instead she has them in a separate playlist that can be viewed.

虚拟 YouTuber 和 Voice-Ore 的“Voice 演员”,她的表情符号是 🏰。她于 2021 年 2 月 24 日首次亮相,作为 Voice-Ore 制作的第一代虚拟声优,她的 Live2D 由 Nabi 设计,她的装备由 Takeyanagi 设计。


她的外貌是齐刘海,银发古板,正宗的大小姐,一头飘逸的长发,给人一种很酷很优雅的感觉,但靠近她的人就会发现,她有时也很傻,尤其是在“她”的时候。 Rena 下午茶时间”,当她与聊天室互动并进行对话时,会谈论天气、她的一天或她刚起床直播后仍然困倦的情况。她穿着一件多层长袖褶边白色连衣裙,饰有丝带,胸针上有黑色蝴蝶结。她的眼睛是浅蓝紫色的,她的表情略显坚忍却又困倦,耳朵上戴着珠宝耳环。

瑞娜的英语很好,可以读和说,而且还懂德语,她说她一直在学习。她喜欢幻想和茶,以及巧克力和其他糖果。作为一名“Vseiyuu”,每当她玩游戏时,她也会倾向于根据她认为角色的声音,以不同的音域朗读游戏中的文本。她与 Voice-Ore 成员 Himukai Kogane 和 Aoi Mizuki 是朋友,他们经常出现在她的聊天中,并称他们为 Koga-chan 和 Mizuki-chan。

她的另一个表情符号也是🕊,一只白色的鸟/鸽子,基于她的名字“Shiratori(白鸟)”,分别读作(白鸟),她对粉丝的个人问候是 Guten Rena,基于德语短语“Good” Morning/day(Guten Tag/Morgen)和 Tschüss(德语“再见/再见”)她的粉丝的官方名称是 Renavants。

*由于 Rena 倾向于取消列出她的流,因此这些流不会出现在她的官方频道的视频列表中。相反,她将它们放在一个可以查看的单独播放列表中。
类型 unknown
英文名 shiratori rena
别名 白鳥怜奈;れなーぶる;しらとりれな