
VOCALOID is a DTM (Desktop Music) singing synthesizer engine developed by Yamaha Corporation in collaboration with Pompeu Fabra University.

VOCALOID products are created by various individual studios that develop voicebanks using the most current engine tools. The first set of synthesizer vocals was released in January 2004.

On August 31st, 2007, Hatsune Miku was released for the VOCALOID2 engine. As the first product in Crypton Future Media's Character Vocal Series, she was the first voicebank designed with an anime-styled avatar representing the singer of the voicebank. Her immediate and immense popularity led to nearly all future voicebanks following the same trend of having an anime-styled avatar, a trend that still continues to this day.

The popularity of VOCALOID has inspired the creation of similar products.


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The following tags are aliased to this tag: vocaloid_2 and vocaloid_3 (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: project_voltage and vsinger_(vocaloid) (learn more).

Vocaloid是由Yamaha Corporation與Pompeu Fabra University合作開發的DTM(桌面音樂)唱歌合成器引擎。


2007年8月31日,Hatsune Miku爲Vocaloid2發動機發布。作爲Crypton Future Media的角色人聲系列中的第一款産品,她是第一個設計的VoiceBank,其設計爲動漫風格的化身,代表了VoiceBank的歌手。她的直接和巨大的受歡迎程度導緻了幾乎所有未來的Voicebanks,遵循動漫風格的化身的同樣趨勢,這種趨勢仍然持續到今天。

以下标簽暗示此标簽:project_voltage and vsinger_(Vocaloid)(了解更多)。
類型 版權&品牌
英文名 vocaloid
日文名 ボーカロイド
别名 ;ボーカロイド;ボカロ;VOCALOID;博歌樂;術力口;術力口