yuki onna

Yuki-onna (雪女, lit. snow woman) is a traditional youkai in Japanese mythology. She is often depicted as a tall, beautiful woman with long hair that appears during snowy nights, with inhumanly pale or even transparent skin that blends in with the snow and gives her a ghostly appearance. In some stories, the yuki onna displays demon girl-like traits.

Notable Yuki Onna


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Yuki-Nonna(雪女,Lit。SnowWoman)是日本神話中的傳統Youkai。她經常被描繪成一個高大,美麗的女人,長發出現在下雪的夜晚,不人道的蒼白甚至透明的皮膚與雪融合在一起,使她看起來很幽默。在某些故事中,Yuki Onna表現出魔鬼女孩般的特質。
類型 角色
英文名 yuki onna
日文名 雪女
别名 Yuki Onna;雪女;雪女
鏈接 myfigurecollection.net